Happy New Year
So I havn't posted in a while (couple of months). No real changes were made till recently. I got a proper server rack to store everything like it should be, and eaiser to keep everything organized. Now I can fully start on the process of setting it all up and get the different aspects working as well. Also I have had to get a new laptop as the one I was using took a nose dive and is not recoverable. Gues I can use it for something else.
Now I can start working on things reguarly and also keep this up to date more often with the changes I am making.
Recently I was able to get a 25U server rack. I have also been able to get a 1U server rack mount case I am going to use as a OPNSense (open source) enterprise level router.
I also got a new 2U half depth server case. This is being changing to my master server. I will also hopefully soon get a hot swap bay to have in the server case. I found one or two on Amazon that holds 2.5 size drives and set them up for RAID.
I have reorganized my hardware within my server rack to clean it up. I also changed the master server hardware that hosts my web server, cloud server, and Plex server.
For security reason though I am not forwarding all the ports on my LAN as I want to secure a few things first.
I will be doing a second server and have FOG PXE running on it for operating systems and for backups.
Not much to report this month, as I have been doing a lot of hardware clean up and orginazation. Just mkaing things look pretty.
Also been looking for a new job as I have reached a end point with my current employer.
My goal this month is to get some hardware and software to start working on the OpenHab system. I have a coupld of Arduino Uno borads and want to start getting them to communicate. I will then update to the Arduino Uno, and see if I can get them on the WiFi network that runs on the OpenHab system.
So I am rebuilding my server hardware set up. One of the things I am wanting to add in is a Raspberry Pi PXE boot server. Its's based on this artical. So this should help improve and make a more reliable Raspberry Pi set up as I won't need to worry about Micro SD cards going bad from use and updates.
My current router if I can get what is running my master server the enterprise router hardware. When I tried it originally a couple months ago it would not recogonize the second NIC on the the mother board. I should have an idea if it works tomorrow, and will update once I know for sure.
So it was a success. I was able to set up a piece of hardware that didn't work before with OPNSense to now work with it. I have started to replan my physical hardware configurations. Chances are I will be working on another new part of my hardware setup tomorrow, so there should be another update.
So I have now built a Raspbery Pi PXE server. This will allow for my Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to network boot and not need a Micro SD card anymore. I will have to work on my hardware setups for it and see how I can customize the OS's that I need or want to use.
So I have made some changes to my webserver and how it operates. Not going to go into a lot of detail here, but I currently pay for my Dynamic DNS service that allows me to have several different hostnames and I can point them to different pages on my home server. So I have added more names and this should make it easier for me to manage everything.
Damn I am old, it's my 25 birthday for the 12th year.
Yes I did write this in advance.
So from this date to August I lost all my updated files..... so yippie.
So today I had to re-do my entire GitLab. So one reason I am glad that several items are on GitHub so it was easier to copy them over.
Today I set up a new Docker instance running OpenProject. Just running this as a proof of concept that should really only be on for a week or two.
So my internet is down again, and not really going to upload this to the server. I need to start making better financial decisions. So I will leave the internet down for a while till I can get back on my feet. This is going to be a long hard time as I do enjoy the contact with the outside world.
Sooner or later I will get my life in order. In the mean time.......... oh well.
Happy anniversary for the Dreamcast, and the Playstation 2.
So I was able to get my internet back up and running. Also I got a Public Routable Static IP. This allows me to now set up a e-mail server. Once I have this done then I can setup communication for different things with out e-mail limits.
Also I need to set up the GitLab Runner so I can push updates to my webpage here. This will be done over time.
So today whiel performing some maintence on my server remotely part of the process was to resrat it. Well it died. After I was able to bring up some aspects of the server's OS I found that the system's NetworkManager Software is corrupted. I will have to rebuild it. In the mean time I am getting a temp solution up and running.
So I have a temp server up and running. It will be just a matter of days for me to get the main back up, but this will still take some time. Wish me luck.
So I have been able to rebuild my main server properly and on the correct hardware. Now to get all my websites up and running fully.
So a couple of months ago Raspberry Pi released new hardware. The new Raspberry PI 4 comes in 4 different models depending on the RAM that you want to use. I picked up the 1Gig RAM pi to test in home and to also keep a few things updated.